Thursday, November 13, 2008

被骗的滋味真不好受 -_-


后来去见了Jia Min & Roshini. Roshini还赞美了我的想出来的idea,还蛮得意的,哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈。。

Sunday, November 9, 2008


昨天啊,还以为能平平静静的过一天,但是,美梦总是难成真。Scout meeting完了之后,Teck Wei 叫了十个帮手去整理Scout Room我就去啦。打扫完毕后,想和佳缘离开那,但,一堆Bangaladesh阻挡了我们的出路。我们只好上楼找Miss Kang救命啦。不知后来他们连老师也不给面子不让我们出去,他们还要我们用一个锁住的门出去!没道理嘛!那是只好照样做啊,不然我们就没得离开了啊。Sherlyn果然是名不虚传得女中好杰啊,是第一个爬过去的呀(了不起!)Miss Kang而是第二位。对于她是大人的方面,所以重了些,就需要一些人的‘帮助’。我本尊就是第三位可是那几位Bangala趁我爬一半之后才对我们其他人说他带他们‘离开’,不必爬!你想想看,爬了那么辛苦,那个fence还有尖尖的刺,而且快要成功的时候,有人跟你说有short-cut! 换成是你,看你会不会火大到想杀人!我还是爬了过去,而且好像还有其他的男ventures又爬。可是他们不管怎么样,都没有前三位女中好杰厉害!HEH!

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Reporting from Thailand! (Part 2)

~1 of the picture from a 1000 years temple.
~My travelling bus...very comfy
~The royal temple I went after the elephant ride.. ~Inside the temple
~The preserved monk in the temple, scary...., there is also his fake teeth and his foot-print.
~Inside the temple after the elephant ride. ~The people that was welcoming us with a dance. ~The string (twine) to put around ur head when the monk prayed.
~My father and sister on the elephant...hahah ~The villagers that was watching us when we were on the elephant..kinda proud sia
~This 2 are the 'shuai ge' & 'mei nu' of the tour!
~My father's friend and father's friend's wife.
~The children that was watching us on the elephant ride..
~Me and my grandmother on the ride.
~Another pic. of 'shuai ge' and 'mei nu'.
~The stairs that we must climb before we climb up to the elephant.
~Cute pic. of elephant mama and baby...
~Breakfast picture before we went for the ride..
~The pic. of a temple when we are on the way to Surin... ~This pic. is taken before we went to Surin...the guy in pink is the Master's brother also the tour guide..

*Will put more pic. of the 1000 years temple...

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Reporting from Thailand! (Part 1)

I am now in Surin, Thailand. Using the hotel's com. hahah....going to check-out in awhile and take bus back to Bangkok, but before that, we are going to the historical museum, dont noe will be boring or not?? The hotel here is DAMM nice and view is purrfect....I call some scouts yesterday night to ask where are they...Wee Keong (never answer, never go!), Gabriel Foo (naver answer but called back later when i was sleeping, but signal too lousy so cant hear me..), Roshini (got answer but never go), Teck Wei is the only one that answered my call, can hear me and got go for hike! Wanted to ask what was happening and know that he was right beside Pandan Reservoir, VERY near my house sia...! Got the info. of Tat Yong Sir and Gabriel is with Patrol A, C & E i think....Luckily I never go hahah. Will try to put picture on next post so wit and SEE. O.o